Trying to Move the Career Along.

Lance Crayon, now with the new agency Pantheon.
I LOVE Lance. He was one of my agents at ACME Talent and he left to join the new agency Pantheon. Well, I saw Lance yesterday to see how he was doing, and what his new office looked like. It was pretty awesome. Pantheon sits on the top floor of this hi-rise building in the Beverly Hills area. I was closest to Lance when he was at ACME. He is a very enthusiastic agent who definately busts ass for the clients he believes in. It's pretty awesome. I'm torn because I would love to be with Lance at Pantheon because I think he's awesome - but I also don't want to leave ACME because I feel it took me a long time to get there. And I can't really complain all that much since I am going out on auditions.
What a weird place to be right now. When I first moved here, I signed with the first agent that wanted me that first month in town and stayed with him for almost 4 years. (I'm sometimes loyal to a fault!) I targeted ACME and REALLY wanted to get in with them. So now that I am - it would be weird for me to leave them to "try things out" at an agency that is barely getting off the ground. It's tough. I guess TIME will tell...
I also met with the teachers at Scott Sedita's Acting studio about the Sitcom Comedy Intensive class that I'm taking May 14th. I'm pretty excited. I've been in LA for almost 5 years and have never taken any classes with the different acting coaches out here. I've studied so much in college and when I got here, I just started working and taking workshops. But I really like Scott, so I'm excited to learn from him. Who knows, maybe after this intensive, I'll book my own sitcom! Now THAT would be nice!! :-)
Do you happen to have an address for the new Pantheon agency? I would love to get a submission off to them asap. :-)