Last Week...I Think

I worked today on Holiday - if you even want to call it that! My call time was 8am and I arrived early to the on location set in Pasadena. I was wrapped at 5:30pm - put in overtime! - and didn't even get into makeup today! I spent the whole day in my trailer - waiting. Speaking of trailers, I'd like to be able to tell you I got to the set and they had a two-banger all ready for me. But no. I was back in the honey wagon, but they gave me two rooms (they opened that accordian wall for me) so it was a little bit nicer. I think I'm coming down with something, so I slept a lot today. My call time tomorrow is at 7:30 am and if it rains, then I get pushed back until next week - or whenever they can fit my stuff in. But if it doesn't rain - tomorrow will be my last day. :-(
I found out that I don't work with Cameron Diaz at all on this shoot. Bummer since I was looking forward to meeting her. All my scenes are with Kate Winslet and Edward Burns. I did get to work (or see) Eli Wallach again today. He's so sweet - and a legend!
When this is all over, I'm back to being an "unemployed" actor. sad. I hate when jobs end. But I have to remember when a job ends - that's the beginning of a new one. Hopefully. Please - let another one come my way! :-)