STILL Holding!

I was called on Friday evening to let me know I am scheduled to work on HOLIDAY first thing Monday morning. Then I get a call Sunday afternoon letting me know that because the forecast calls for rain on Monday and/or Tuesday, they are going to push me back another week and schedule me for next Monday, and they'll call me this Friday to keep me updated. NICE! On HOLD for another week! I can live with that! Another week contract - getting paid - for waiting! That's just crazy! But I am NOT complaining! The last time I worked on the film was March 20th and I'm not scheduled again until April 10th - on hold all that time. very nice.
The Alma Nominations should be announced Tuesday, April 4th, so I have no idea if I will be officially "nominated". I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Also, I haven't heard anything from the A Day in the Life pilot who "pinned" me. I'm "pinned" from April 4th to the 12th, so again, we'll see what happens. Hopefully I'll get a call tomorrow.
I have a meeting with ACME's commercial department on Friday. I have not been auditioning AT ALL for commercials lately (or anything for that matter!), and I figured officially getting repped in that area would only be good for me. My manager at Central Artists submits me - but there could always be more, right?? :-)
I also got a call from the writer of this play, Conversations 'Bout the Girls, I did back in October/November of last year. She reopened the play and had asked me to join the cast once again, and I declined due to my "busy" schedule (it comes in spurts as you know). But now she needs coverage for a role (part of my old role) on April 30th and asked if I was available to work that one performance.
Hmmm...I may do it - just to keep myself up and running in front of a live audience - even for just one night.