
I felt like Superwoman today - ducking into phone booths and changing my look - except I didn't have the phone booth! I transformed into 3 completely different looks today for 3 different appointments!
I started the day off with shooting the pilot: Paradise Drive. I was in my "goth" look for that. It was a good shoot. The whole pilot is improvised but we rehearse it so much it's like we have actual lines.
After the shoot, I had about 10 minutes to transform into a sweet maid for the film audition Expecting Love. That went well. I felt I was a little over the top. I should've played it more real - but it was hard to do that with the comical lines and facial expressions I had to do. I hope I didn't do too much. I have a feeling I did though....Oh well. I did see Joey Lawrence's little brother there, Mathew Lawrence. He's not little anymore. He's a very cute grown man of 26. He was auditioning for the lead role. I decided to stay in character the entire audition - even when I walked into the room. I don't think I've ever done that - but I've heard others do it. I kept my accent going from beginning to end and smiled a lot. They had me do the 1st scene only. I really wish they had me do the 2nd scene. I'm less "funny" in that one - and more real. coulda woulda shoulda... Time to let it go.
After that, I came home and washed all the hairspray out (from the goth look) and got ready for my appointment with ACME's commercial department. I tried to look very "commercial" - with dark jeans, a nice sweater top, and pointy heels. I met with Brian and I REALLY liked him. He's a very cool and young hip guy. We got along really well and I was excited about doing more commercial work. I'd rather make that my bread and butter in between theatrical gigs than my substitute teaching! I left with a really good feeling. He said he had to talk with the head of the department when she gets back from NYC, but he'll call me next week sometime. Nice! I can't wait to get started! I'll keep my fingers crossed though - just in case... :-)
I'm scheduled to work on Holiday next Monday and Tuesday - but I saw that we're expecting rain again (YAY!!!) so that means I may be on hold for ANOTHER week! Wow - that's another week's paycheck - for waiting! I can definately live with that!