
Well, Nicolas is already 3 months! And I'm already 6 months pregnant! And it's coming up on a year that I've been back in texas - where does the time go??? This is insane. Here is Nic at 3 months :) Look at that handsome smile! So I figured I would just relax my last few months of being pregnant, but no such dream will happen... We are moving soon, just after the new year. So packing will begin soon. We are staying in Austin, just moving to a bigger place to accomodate our growing family. And I signed on to cast another project. I'm currectly casting a SAG short film called Breaking the Curse . My audition sessions are tomorrow and callbacks are next weekend. I'd like to think after we move and after this baby is born, maybe THEN I can rest. haha Yeah right, with a newborn and a 6 month old? Sleep is not in my distant future. Maybe next christmas? So I've been getting a few emails from blog readers who have read my journey in Hollywood (THANK...