Crappy Week

This week was kinda crappy for me. I'm just sayn...
Without getting too personal, I'll share some of the "lowlights"...
I started the afterschool program this week. I've taught in classrooms for many years as a substitute teacher for public schools, I've also taught acting to ages 5 to 65! But I don't think I was prepared for what I encountered this week! I was assigned to a middle school to teach theater to a group of kids who lost the teacher they've had since the beginning of the year. Not sure where he went, but he couldn't continue with the class anymore. I went in on Tuesday, and although they were crazy "energetic" and had a hard time focusing, I finally got them to do a few improv scenes and the day didn't end so bad. But then Thursday came...
Ugh...Thursday. I couldn't get them to listen to me from the start. And the good students from Tuesday had decided to trade places with the other ones and have a bad day that day! It felt like I was babysitting, because I sure couldn't teach anything! It was exhausting, frustrating, and I was starting to believe that I may not have the patience or temperment to deal with something like this! I'm only there an hour and a hald twice a week, and I don't want to spend that time disciplining middle school students who should already know how to behave in a classroom setting. I guess what frustrated me about the whole situation is, I've paid my dues. I've worked with all kinds of people, directors, stars, professional students and actors, and I didn't feel like I needed to be there. It was a waste of what I could really offer. At least that's how I felt by the time I was walking to my car.
I'm not sure if I will be back to that school next week. I talked to the people I work for and they know about the situation and I'm sure they would want me to figure out a way to stay - but I just feel like I will be miserable! At least every Tuesday and Thursday. We'll see what happens...
I also had an audition sent to me from my Houston agent for In Plain Sight, a show that shoots in Albuquerque, NM. I really wanted to audition for it, but my audition would've consisted of videotaping myself with my own reader and emailing it in. My video camera broke so I couldn't do it. Plus, I couldn't find someone to read with me. :( Damn I miss the days of when auditions took place in a casting office! ;)
I'm still looking for a full time time. Not sure what industry yet, but I'm trying to keep my eyes open for whatever is out there. Hopefully something comes soon...
These residuals are starting to dwindle.
Shockingly enough, not wishing I was back in LA. Well, only when that audition came up - then I wish I was there. But other than that, still enjoying being here in Austin!