An Almost Crisis

I went to 'Conversations with Burt Reynolds' at SAG last night. He is very entertaining to watch! His delivery is so funny - and he's a great storyteller! I can't believe he's been a working actor for 50 years! His good friend Dom DeLouise was there as well for moral support. they are both a riot!
Well, I had somewhat of a crisis today.
It's been slow in every area of my life it seems. NO auditions since almost everything is on hiatus, and not a lot of subbing work since many schools are on summer break. I just set out a bunch of flyers to year round schools so I can get some work this summer. Just as the calls started to roll in to 'book' me for next week, I ran into computer problems with LAUSD when they tried to enter in my employee number. As it turns out, I renewed my credential for the fall - but I missed the deadline to renew for the summer! Apparently there are two separate processes which makes no sense to me. So that means I'm not eligible to sub again until Septmeber 5th!
So what in the world do I do for money until then??? I have never run into this problem in the 5 years I've been doing this! I quickly went into panic mode. Would I have to get a 'real' job? If so, what job will hire me for a couple of weeks then let me off for my week and a half vacation to Texas and a week of working on the industrial when I get back? This is crazy! I figured my only hope was temp agencies - no matter how little they pay! The only problem with that is - I won't get an interview until maybe the end of next week since it's the 4th of July holiday - so that means I won't work until maybe the week after that! I need cash coming in ASAP.
But just as quickly as my panic overtook me, it quickly got settled. I met someone who works for this temp agency and told me to give them a call. They place people in property management, which is what I did - and LOVED - in Texas (it just doesn't pay great). I leased apartments for a few years and happened to be very good at it, so my confidence level is pretty high with my ability in that field. I guess the guy I talked to sensed I was pretty confident and skilled in this field and quickly faxed over the W-2 and other forms after a small conversation. I start working tomorrow! Isn't that amazing?? I officially meet him in person on Monday - but he hired me solely on my personality and confidence (and the faith that the experience I said I had was true).
That says a lot, doesn't it? I should have that kind of self assurance in EVERYTHING I do! :-)