
Hanna Montana, Airing on Disney Channel, April 1 at 7pm.
Well, production from HOLIDAY called me last night to say that since it's scheduled to rain all day Tuesday (today), then they will have me in on Thursday to shoot my scenes. And for me to look on the bright side, since I've been on HOLD all this time I'm making all kinds of money. hmmmm.....I did not know that! Apparently, since they've pushed me back until Thursday of this week, all these days that I've been ON HOLD, I'm getting paid. I believe it's my daily rate. So I'm very happy to hear that news!!!! YAY!!!!
Also, I sent congratulation cards to Howard Meltzer (CD) and Cornelia Frame (Dir. of Casting) of Disney for the great ratings and reviews for Hanna Montana's premiere. I saw Cornelia again this past Sunday when I helped out with the kids workshops at Actorsite. And of course, I saw Howard at SAG's CAP event this past Saturday. So maybe they'll keep me in mind for future Hanna episodes, or pilots that I may be right for. :-)
Just discovered the busy little corner of the Web you have here - wanted to say hi and keeping working it like you're doing!