
Here are my great nephews: Baby Kike and Julian. If they were in town, I'd put them in commercials!
Well, my audition for Desperate Housewives went well on Friday. I had a preread with Scott Genkinger and we rehearsed it first, he made an adjustment, then we taped my audition. I think I did great since he smiled and said "Great adjustment! Thank you!". And I felt really good about it. So we'll see. I haven't heard back about a producer's session yet - that's IF I did a well enough job to be brought back for producers.
I had a workshop with Tara from Powell/Melcher Casting. They cast the shows One on One, Eve, and Cuts for the WB. I didn't think it went so great. For some reason I was nervous and kinda stumbled through my read. Maybe that means I'm a little out of practice. Gotta fix that.
I've decided to take a break from my "day job" for the whole month of March and just be a "professional actress" and that's all. Let's see how that works! I work on Holiday the week of March 13th so I'll be sure to post pictures of me and Cameron Diaz! :-)