Generating Work

top: new color headshot bottom: current black and white headshot
I am not subbing today, so I decided to make the most of my off time and try and turn this "slow"time for me into a busier time. I updated my personal list of pilots that are casting currently, so I plan to drop off pictures at their offices today. I also plan to get my color shots reproduced for my manager. It's funny because I have had my current headshot for the past 4 years or so - and it's been working fine. Thankfully it still looks like me! No one has ever told me I needed new shots - which is not the case for almost ALL my actor friends. Usually they are asked to take new shots at least once a year - which is pretty expensive! But I have never reproduced color headshots - which is the "norm" right now in the industry. So I plan to have at least one - if needed.
Hopefully I'll get an audition soon...I can't believe how slow it is for me... :-(
Nice meeting you today and great work.
Take care. A.