Well, It's Been an Interesting Couple of Days...

I was not looking for a new agent - at all. I'm pretty happy where I am. I'm going out on auditions - even though it's pretty slow. We would all love MORE - but I can't complain too much right now. I got an "offer" from another agency to come on board. I thought that was nice. I figured it was nice to have options, in case I am ever "not happy" where I am - I know where I can go. But then, that's where it got interesting...
After I got the call that they were interested, I then received a "deadline" of 48 hours to make a decision. hmm..interesting. I figured, if you were interested - you were INTERESTED. I didn't think there would be a "deadline" on the "interest". Especially since I wasn't formally in the market to find a new agent. Then I received a call, retracting the offer since I was "hesitant and indecisive" about coming over. ummm....ok. Again, I was never LOOKING for a new agent - and YOU came to me, so I was a little confused.
But needless to say, you never stop learning in this business. Not exactly sure what just happened - but I do know it's all over with, and I'm not going anywhere. Which is good, since I wasn't looking anyway!! :-)