
I love me some Vince Vaughn. No reason to have his picture - other than it's REALLY nice to look at! :-)
Well, I haven't posted in a while - mainly because there hasn't been much to post. But since my blog is about my ENTIRE journey in this business - I should post about the DOWNTIME too. And there's plenty of it! We are now entering the SLOW part of the entertainment season. Boo!
The only auditions that are happening are for feature films (nice!) and some cable tv shows. Not very many. And of course, some commercials, but I rarely go out for those anyway! The past few auditions I've been on have been feature films, so hopefully that will lead to a job this summer. If not, this is usually when I try to squeeze in a play.
Last year I did TWO - and I usually try and do one. So who knows if I will do one this year afterall. Last year's plays were awesome! I did Real Women Have Curves in Santa Barbara and Conversations 'Bout the Girls in LA. I would love to get involved in another play - but I'd like it to be an awesome script, with an even beter cast and company. Tough to come by.
I wouldn't even mind doing a production out of town, like AUSTIN, or something - but since I plan to do a lot of traveling this summer - that may be impossible. This month, I have a friend coming in from Texas so I'll be taking road trips to Vegas, Santa Barbara, and San Diego, hopefully. Perfect timing for my birthday (May 27th) ;-) I'm heading to Hawaii in June for a wedding, Texas in July for a family reunion, and then off to Italy (hopefully) in September! I'm sure I'll be broke before you know it - but I'll definately have lots of pictures to show for it!
I'm passing the days by subbing, since it's pretty slow on the audition front. I subbed a special ed class today and had a blast! I fell in love with a 10 year old boy named Maxwell. He was the sweetest kid - full of so much love. And he was so afraid of balloons popping! He was adorable. It was the perfect way to end a long hard week! :-)