Still Not Used to It.....

Here I am - VERY HAPPY - my first day of shooting on The Terminal...This was captured off of Showtime today.

I doubt it will ever get old. Turning on the tv and catching myself on there. It happened not too long ago with Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO. And today I happened to be home, a little bored and flipping through channels. And about 5 minutes into watching The Terminal - my scene comes out. Crazy. I have to admit - I can't keep from smiling when that happens. It's so surreal. I never would've imagined MY FACE would be a regular occurance on my television - but it's been nice lately.
So I'm a cheeseball - I had to take a pic of my tv when I saw myself. I know, I know - bordering on really sad huh? haha!


Bonnie said…
It's like seeing the HOLLYWOOD sign. I still get choked up when I see it. And I think that's good. The day it becomes "eh... no big deal" is the day you've lost the passion behind the dream and you should just go home.

Awesome post!!
Anonymous said…
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Anonymous said…
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

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