A Nice Start...

1st pic: "The Boys" on set.

2nd pic: Here I am with Peter Gallagher on the set of The OC.

Sorry for all the old pics of me on set, but since I don'thave a website - I'm using this blog for that! :-)
See! It's possible! I can get cast as something OTHER than the maid! I was SO very happy when I got cast as Dr. Gonzales on The OC! But my happiness was short lived when I ended up on the cutting room floor. Oh well...It happens.... But I'm looking forward to the next doctor role - or even just the next non-maid role - ah hell - even at this slow point - I'm just looking forward to the next ROLE! period. :-)


Anonymous said…
just 5 days until the big day!!!!! make a special birthday wish!!
TanikaBrown said…
The pics are GREAT! Keep them coming. It's like a dollop of daily inspiration...
Anonymous said…
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

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