Comedy is Intense

I took Scott Sedita's Sitcom Comedy Intensive class this past Sunday. Scott is a pretty well known acting coach in LA. He was featured on Fight For Fame (along with my agents at ACME). It was a pretty cool six hour day! I LOVE LOVE LOVE working on a sitcom! And that's my dream - to one day have MY OWN. So I figured taking this class would be very helpful. And it was. The teachers were really cool. Scott talked a lot about the things he wrote in The 8 Characters of Comedy. We mainly had to identify with one or more of those characters so we know what would be a perfect fit whenever we go out on auditions. I had no idea I would identify with "The Neurotic One". Me??!!! Neurotic? Let me over analyze that one! heehee That's mainly like a Monica from Friends. Which is cool with me - I always liked her character. And neurotic is always fun to play - along with The Bitch. :-) I got to play the bitch in class a few times too. Mainly because they are usually the smart asses who are in the service industry (think MAIDS) - like Florence from The Jeffersons. Another cool role I wouldn't mind doing! :-) or Miranda from Sex and the City. All in all it was a pretty cool class and I got a lot out of it. The only thing is - there's this pressure to sign up for their on camera comdey classes within 6 weeks. After that, if you're interested again, you'd have to retake the intensive. Wha??? Since I'm doing a lot of traveling these next couple of months, I'm not sure I want to squeeze in a 6 week sitcom class - especially during the summer. The class will end and I'll be sitting around - getting rusty - by the time fall rolls around and I get to actually practice what I've learned. I don't know.... Plus, since I am traveling, I'm not sure I want to shell out the cash. The classes are not dirt cheap you know. :-) we'll see....
It's been really slow after that soap audition on Monday. Just kinda sitting around...subbing, hiking, trying to stay busy. I'm trying to get my manager to get feedback on that General Hospital audition for me. i couldn't tell how I did - or what he thought. I'm curious....
Tomorrow I teach a cold reading class at Actorsite for the kiddos. And I will be working their event on Saturday. Should be fun... :-)