Trying to keep up!

Pic: Me in character while shooting The Shield last season. (I don't normally let "the girls" out so much!) It was the coolest being interrogated by CCH Pounder! That girl really knows how to let a person have it! I had an awesome time meeting everyone on set - including Michael Chiklis!
Well, It's been a hectic week with auditions, subbing, and last minute wardrobe fittings for Holiday!
My Skittles callback went ok. They paired us all up with our "matching" partners. Hispanic girl with hispanic guy, black girl with black guy, etc... Well, I didn't see any other hispanic couples so at first I thought that was a good thing - until we walked into the room. My hispanic husband couldn't say one of the lines just right. They kept redirecting him and having him do it again, but it didn't work. That's when I thought that they would probably take us as a team instead of individually - and that's when it became a bad thing. Because no matter how great I may have done in my callback - if my husband wasn't good, we weren't getting cast - since they wanted a "matching" couple. Oh well.
My audition for The Shield that same day didn't go well either. I have already been on The Shield, last season, in a pretty good sized role. And I'm not sure why they would bring me back for this one liner different role. Made no sense to me. Then I get the wrong info on the audition. I was told the line was supposed to be said in Spanish. So I went ahead and had it translated and practiced it that way. I walked in and found out they wanted it said in English. I said it, not exact...a little off on the line, and that was it. Not a good audition, and I walked away feeling as if it was a waste of time. The highpoint was seeing the Grey's Anatomy cast by a car on the lot on my way out. I congratulated Sandra Oh on her Golden Globe win the night before and told them I loved the show. I'm such a big dork! :-)
I had a straight to producers audition for CSI NY yesterday. It was for a guest star role. I found out it was for producers when I got there. It was a nice surprise because I had never auditioned at the office before. Luckily the audition went great. Let's just hope I was what they were looking for.
After subbing that day I had to drive out to the SONY lot again for another wardrobe fitting for Holiday. Apparently the clothes they picked out the first time didn't signify "servant" enough. So I had to try on more depressing and sad outfits. Go figure! I did get to see some snapshots of Cameron Diaz in some of her wardrobe choices. She looked very tall and very beautiful. Can't wait to work with her! She had racks and racks of these great clothes, including $5,000 Gucci dresses. Nice! I get stained shirts from Goodwill and Ross! hahaha Someday....Someday!
The coolest thing about the fittings was walking in and seeing my headshot on their board. See, normally a casting office will have the headshots of the cast of the show up on their boards in case they need to match family members or something to the actors. I have seen numerous headshots of the regular cast on different shows...always dreamed of the day my headshot will be on someone's board. And I walk into the costume room for Holiday at the SONY lot and there it was! My headshot along with other actors who were cast - and the name of our characters (mine is MARTA) marked on them. That was the COOLEST! I am actually part of someone's cast that I warrant being on someone's board! YAY!!!!!!