Day 2

It was an honor to work with such veterans of the business. From left to right: Shelley Berman, Eli Wallach, Bill Macy, and Jack Black. 2nd picture: Eli and Bill attempt to tell Jack Black a joke.
Friday was nice. I showed up half an hour early to make up from being late the day before - but no one was there. So I hung out in my trailer for half an hour until I officially checked in. If you know anything about movie sets, you know it's a lot of waiting around. Well, I was there at 9am, got my wardrobe on, my hair and make up done, and I sat there in my trailer...reading, napping, talking on my phone...trying to pass the time. They came in to tell me I was free to go to lunch (dinner - it was 4:30pm) - then after that, I came back and my hair and make up touched up - and waited some more. Finally they came to get me around 6pm to go to the set. Then I waited some more there....They didn't put me in the scene until around 9pm! Then we worked it over and over until 11:45pm! I didn't mind at all because I knew I was already in overtime - which pretty much more than doubled my rate again for that day! :-)
I had the chance to check out the scene in video village (the area where the director and producers sit to see what it looks like on the monitors) - and they had this one shot that slowly revolved around the dinner table and got everyone's reaction and lines. It looked really good - and Kate Winslet is just beautiful! She tranfers over to the screen just flawlessly! I didn't do much this whole day. I was basically a glorified extra - just seen in the background while they ate dinner. But I was probably the highest paid extra in Hollywood that day!! hahah I knew I would have my chance for my "close up" later in March - so I wasn't too worried about it. :-)
During takes I sat and talked with Jack Black and asked him about his career and what it was like to be a character actor in leading man roles. He said the only thing he's not crazy about is the lack of privacy. Everyone stops him on the street and wants to talk to him all day long - and he's gracious and nice - but he says that his whole day is gone if he stops and indulges them. Paparazzi is a pain too but he enjoys making films, so he can't complain. He started with Tim Robbins theater in LA called The Actor's Gang and his big "break" came with the film High Fidelity. He has a pretty big theater background and has a "comedy band" that he performs with. He's a sweet guy - and he reminds me of Jim Carrey in the fact that both are comedic talents - but give them some drama and they can surprise you.
The film crew is flying to London to shoot Cameron's part of the film for the month of February. Then they will be back in March and that's when I start shooting again. I'll probably shoot some more with Kate and maybe a day or two with Cameron. Should be fun!
Did I mention how sweet and stylish Nancy Meyers is? She's so cute and nice! Very professional and powerful! I wish I took a picture of time!