First Day on Set

1st pic: Kate Winslet and me! 2nd pic: Shelley Berman, Eli Wallach, ME!, Bill Macy, and Jack Black on the set of Holiday.
Well, I start off by showing up late! great! That's LA traffic for you! I was half an hour late - but the good thing is they weren't too upset. I guess they know LA already and expected it! It took me an hour and 45 minutes to get there! Crazy!
So I was taken to the stage to rehearse our scene. I get introduced to Jack Black and Kate Winslet and the 3 older gentlemen who are in the scene. We work on it for a while and then head back to base camp to get into wardrobe, hair and make-up. It was a long day - with 3 hours of overtime - which almost doubles my pay for the day - YAY!!!! The day was long, but it was interesting. The old men were a riot! They were all in their 80's and 90's full of stories from their long careers and a few dirty jokes! I had cheek ache from laughing and smiling so much today! It was also frustrating to the director and Kate because a couple of these men would not stop talking and take direction. It was like they were in their own world and show! Nancy would say action - but the men insisted on finishing their story or joke and the rest of us would just have to wait until they were ready to work. Wow! But everyone knew that these men were in the business with stars like Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe, and they had a long history - not to mention they were pretty old, so they got away with some of this behavior. I couldn't imagine trying to pull what they did today!
I took my camera to the set and tried to take some pictures of the working day - but a producer came up to me and said I wasn't allowed to have any photos of the set for legal reasons. So he stood there while I had to delete what i had of the set. Luckily I was able to keep a few shots of the other actors and a shot of me and Kate. I was happy to see that Shelly Berman, the man who plays Larry David's father on Curb Your Enthusiasm was working today. We had worked together on Curb and I didn't know he was going to be in this film - so it was a pleasant surprise. He's only in this one scene so he's shooting for only a couple of days.
All in all, it was a pretty amazing experience. Kate Winslet is such a sweet doll! She's nice and friendly. And she's very beautiful and real looking in person, which is what I love about her! We were talking in the make up trailer and she said that she plans on taking a year off after shooting this film. I don't blame her...she has 2 little ones at home and I'm sure it's hard for her to be away from them so much. She did mention something about this film opening in December - I think 3 days before Christmas. December 22nd. So I guess that's the tentative opening date. :-)
The day ended on an even better note besides the overtime. I was asked to come back tomorrow at 9:30am for another day! Apparently they wanted me in this next scene somewhere in the background, cleaning up and putting stuff away. So I'll be a very expensive and "glorified" extra tomorrow! hahah - No complaints! I was only scheduled for today and now I get to work one more before I come back for my week in March! That's good - more money for me! :-)
-BR in CC