Short but Sweet

I had a very quick day today on the set of Desperate Housewives. I got there at 9am and was wrapped by 2! I got into wardrobe and makeup where I first met Eva Longoria Parker, who I will be shooting my scene with. She introduced herself to me and I let her know that not only are we from the same hometown (Corpus Christi, Texas), but we actually went to high school together for a short time. We chatted a little about the hurricane that is scheduled to hit that area this weekend and I headed back to my trailer.
We went to rehearsal where I got to meet the creator of the show: Marc Cherry. As I said hello to the director, Matthew, Eva let him know we went to school together and we're from the same town. We did the scene a few times and I guess I was kinda nervous because I was making little amateur mistakes, like not hitting my mark, and forgetting to leave the door opened after she stormed through. But as we went on, I warmed up a bit and by the time they were ready for my "close up" I felt really good about my character. I basically play this snooty uptight bitch. Fun! :) I finally naled my lines and looks and the next thing you know, I was wrapped! Quick day.
But I did manage to get a quick photo with Eva. She was pretty nice to me. Not extremely chatty, but I didn't really expect her to be.
She did want me to let everyone know that she looks like crap because she HAS to for the character.
And just so everyone knows, she's shorter than I am. I'm just wearing slippers and she's in high heels in this pic.
Audition on Monday for a Judd Apatow film starring Adam Sandler. :) More on that later...
good luck with this one......and this is definitely an episode i wont miss since i am a FANatic of desperate housewives!