New York City Itch

I don't know what it is lately, but I'm having the itch for New York. Maybe because I spent the entire weekend at home, bored, thinking about things. I surfed the internet a lot and spent some time on the Labyrinth Theater Company's website that's run by Philip Seymour Hoffman and John Ortiz. I saw that I knew a few people who were members, and I just felt like it would be awesome to be in that company, among those talented actors. It's very easy to miss the stage when you're here in LA and you don't do as much great theater as you did before. And maybe that's why New York feels so enticing right now. Plus, I'm just thinking it would be nice to experience a different place for a bit. Maybe spend a few months on the east coast, just to experience that. I had the choice to either go to graduate school in New York or move to LA 7 years ago...and well, obviously, here I am.
I know it would be a complete shock, expecially since there would be less auditions for tv and film like in Hollywood, but I wouldn't be going to the east coast for that anyway. I would love to just relocate and do an amazing play for a few months, and then just come back here.
Ok, just dreaming out loud. But the nice thing is I have the freedom to do that. No husband or kids that I have to consider before making that kind of decision. :)
I'll talk to my friend Larissa who lives in NYC and bounce that idea off of her just to see what she says. I wouldn't go this year anyway since I plan to visiting Italy in November and need to save my money for that...but maybe next year? Early next year? We'll see... Just a thought. You never know...I may be there anyway for work. There is this movie I possibly could be involved in that shoots early next year in NY. Hmmm.... maybe I could just STAY for a bit. :)