Keeps Getting Better

I can't even begin to explain how I feel right now!
But I'll try....
I went in to meet the studio execs today for the pilot The Emancipation of Ernesto. We had an hour work session before the actual "audition" for the studio. There were three of us girls up for my role and four guys testing for a different role, and we all sat there in the waiting room until it all began.
Wilmer walked in and introduced himself to everyone and said hello. We were all ushered into a separate room so we could work individually with the casting directors and the writer and Wilmer. When it was my turn, I walked in, did my three scenes and the writer had some adjustments for me. They were pretty big character changes from what I had originally prepared, so I took a few minutes to try and get it to the right place before I had to do it for the studio. I was a little nervous and unsure. Doubting my original choices I had made since they gave my notes and changes. I tried not to let that get in my head too much and I spent the time before I went into the room to audition completely alone and working on my scenes.
And somehow, right before I walked into that room packed full of executives, I felt this calming feeling come over me. I was completely at ease as I walked in. I began my first scene and after I uttered my second word, laughter erupted! It was perfect! They laughed at all the jokes. Everything that was supposed to be funny, they got! It was the most amazing feeling! I really did feel like I showed the comedic side of me as well as my dramatic one. I really connected with my reader (the CD) during a dramatic letter to my son. It felt good on all ends! I really don't think it could've gone any better! There really was this excited energy in that room. I walked out of there and I felt like the entire world was not only lifted from my shoulders, but I was floating right to the top of it! It was incredible!
Now, within the hour that I left the studio, my attorney called to tell me that they called me back to network which is tomorrow at 4pm. This is the very last stage of this process. I sign the 6 year contract before I walk in to do it again for the network execs. After tomorrow, they make their decision.
Let me just say, I already consider this a victory, no matter what the outcome. I truley hope and pray that the outcome includes ME in this role, but just to make it to this level of the game, and then feel like I really did my best and had the opportunity to shine...well, there are no words to express that. I have already won!
Now let's just hope, for my sake, that I CAN do it better than today. Shoot, I'd even settle for exactly the same!