Guess What

Yup, Of course, you guessed right. If there is a maid role anywhere in this town, I will book it. Well, it's not an "official" booking just yet. I'm "pinned" once again, but I was told I was the CHOICE. Meaning....after they check out the storyboard and make sure the role is still in there and after they negotiate my rate, then it will be an official booking.
My audition went well. Obviously. haha I just LOVE the casting director: Scott Genkinger! He is SO sweet! He greeted me in the hallway with a big hug saying "Lydia! My favorite!" Awww!!! He did just book me on Prison Break, so it was really nice to see him again. I would audition for just about anything for him! (Including a small one line maid role that POSSIBLY may recur on Desperate Housewives!) I walked into the room with my headshot and resume with my Prison Break postcard attached and a post it note on my resume letting them all know I just tested for studio AND network for a series regular on a pilot! That did spark some interest and I could see in Scott's face that the news impressed him! (YES!) After my one line, the director said he would like to know what pilot that was. I told him and they all just smiled and nodded and I was out the door. I felt really good about that meeting, mainly because it showed them that I was still willing to come in for this smaller role. And that I was capable of doing more, just in case they were inclined to write more for this character. You never know...
I talked to my manager afterwards and we talked about being "humble" and auditioning for the small roles that come my way. I told her that I didn't feel humble at all because I did feel like I deserved to progress to larger stuff. But after that phone call, I realized that maybe being humble is a good thing in this case (and every case, I suppose!). :) It keeps you grounded and striving for more. And as much as I pout about having to audition for ANOTHER freakin maid, or ANOTHER freakin co-star role, I have to see it as an opportunity. It's always an opportunity to work with certain directors, or co-stars, or in this case, a pretty big hit show. My manager somehow believes in her gut that this part will grow and grow and the next thing you know, I have worked a few episodes with a great storyline! haha Hmmm...I'm not sure that this will happen, but it's always nice to have that positive outlook, never know!
My pinned dates are from Sept 3rd to the 15th. So I should find out exactly when I shoot sometime early next week. After they officially book me, of course.
Good luck with your acting career, we wish you all the best!!