Well, I took Julie's advice and decided to make a list of my roles to check how many were reliant on my ethnicity.
I'll just write "Yes" or "No" next to it if they had "Latina" in the character description or if it was a 'necessity' for the character.
The Holiday - YES
The Terminal - NO
The Naked Ape - NO
Grand Old Party - NO
Dial M for Maria - YES
The Counselor - YES
The Right Girl - NO
Winding Up Airplanes - YES
The M.O. of M.I. - NO
Beyond Words - NO
The Virgin of Akron Ohio (pilot) - YES
Curb Your Enthusiasm - YES
The Shield - NO
The Office - YES
Paradise Drive - YES
Sleeper Cell - NO
Everwood - NO
The OC - YES
The Practice - NO
The District - NO
Medical Investigation - YES
Good Morning Miami - NO
The Unit - NO
Strong Medicine - YES
Notes From the Underbelly - YES
What About Brian - YES
Conversations ‘Bout The Girls - NO
Real Women Have Curves - YES
Tropical America - YES
Lock Up - YES
The War Game - NO
Vieques (staged reading) - YES
My Visits with MGM - YES
Rumors - NO
Marvin’s Room - NO
The Imaginary Invalid - NO
A Midsummer Night’s Dream - YES (all Latino cast - bilingual show)
Dancing at Lughnasa - NO
The Diary of Anne Frank - NO
Out of 40 projects on my resume - exactly 20 were reliant on my ethnicity. Not bad that HALF had nothing to do with my race or whether or not I "could do an accent". That makes me feel pretty good! :)
And out of all 40 projects listed - I played a maid 4 times, 5 if you consider the nanny on What About Brian. Interesting that it feels like I "always" play a maid named Maria! Makes me have a whole different attitude towards my career and this industry. Maybe I've been a little too hard on both!
I got a cool thing in the mail today: A baseball cap with "The PILOT of Akron Ohio" written on it. Cool gift from the production office in Canada!
Kinda slow lately - hopefully it will pick up soon...