The Wonders of Good Vibes!

Thanks for all those who sent good vibes my way today! I have to say that this audition simply went - AWESOME!!!! I went in for the guest star lead on Cold Case and I was totally feeling in character as the tough, bully, "homegirl"/gangbanger "Vita Suarez" and I looked the part too! I added black lipliner around my lips, penciled in my eyebrows darker and layered on the clothes. It's funny how wardrobe can really put you in the mindset of the character. I was totally feeling it and while the girl in front of me was inside the audition room, this lady comes in with her cute baby and sits right next to me! So there I am, smiling at the cute baby and saying hi, and feeling warm and kind - when I should be feeling mean and bitchy! Damn cute kid! haha j/k
So quickly I tried to ignore the red headed 1 yr old and get back into my mindset, and then the door opens and my name is called. I walk in and prepare to do my scenes. The first one went so well that the casting director commented "I'm scared of you!" - which is great since that's what my character is trying to do to the other person in the scene: scare them. :) I did the second scene and right afterwards he said, "Good job! I'm bringing you back for producers tomorrow." :) YAY!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited because I have never felt so confident about a part. I mean, I truly believe there is not another single person who can do this part like I can. I've done this kind of character before a couple of times - and have done it well (if I do say so myself! heehee)
It's MINE! I can feel it. I know it. I own it. I would be shocked - and very disappoimted if I didn't book this. That's how good I feel about it. Really. So hopefully I can post about booking it soon. Hopefully. (Don't want to jinx myself) :)
Since it worked today, let's send out another request for good vibes tomorrow at 5:30pm. Thanks! :)