Exercise Your Right to Vote!

ok - I need your help! I just got access to my new headshots and I'm trying to decide which are the best ones for me. My "money shots"!
So, please click on the link to the ones I added as "favorites" - and vote for YOUR favorite one.
Thanks SO much for your input!!! :)
6,86,98,115,174.....I guess if I had to pick just one it would be #6. I catches your eyes and your smile just right.
Hey, how about the person who picks the one you like best gets an autographed picture!? :)
#1, #15, & #54 jumped out at me!
- Shenita.
THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT!! LOL You went from "Mother" to straight "Gangsta" in the black tank top! LOL
In my opinion though, (and that's all it is-is my opinion) but I would honestly see what your agents and managers say as they're the ones who know how to sell you and offer you as! Remember to just *THINK LIKE THE CASTING DIRECTORS THINK* when you make your final choices. Not on what *YOU* think. (You aren't casting yourself)
Best of luck to you on these shots, Lydia! They're really great. :)
My advice is to pick out the best 100 or so photos and print cheap 4x6 prints at target/costco. Lay them out and look at them closely and then let your agents do the same.
I think you do need a business look - you can easily be cast as a social worker, District Attorney, Teacher!
best of luck!
This one shows off your gorgeous smile and eyes the best. You draw me in with this one.
Conservative - 0171
This one captures your eyes the best, I believe. And it's all about the eyes, right?
Bad ass - 0255
Again, the eyes. They are the windows to the soul.