Commercial Audition Today

I had an audition today for an AT&T commercial. It went well. My "husband" decided to paint the room by paintball and I just had to walk by and give a weird look to him and the room. Pretty simple and subtle.
The coolest part was running into my old friend Bruno Amato who I haven't seen in a while! We caught up as much as we could before I was called in. I also got to meet one of my "readers" from this blog...
I feel like I'm coming down with something. Perfect timing though, since I had a friend in town this week and they just left yesterday. So hopefully it will give me this weekend to knock it out of my system.
I'm sitting in on my friend's acting class for kids. She approached me about maybe teaching classes every other weekend or so. So this is the weekend I check it out and see if I want to be on board.
I have an audition tomorrow for NCIS. And it's another maid role - but to the lead female character played by Lauren Holly. I'll look on the bright side and take this to mean I must have an endearing face that seems like I love to help and serve people!
I really should buy The Secret. :)
Good to finally meet you Lydia!