Short Week

I was off of work (subbing) on Monday and Tuesday, so I spent all of Monday dropping off packages at agencies and all of Tuesday dropping of pictures for new feature films. Trying to be productive! I guess it worked since I got a call yesterday from House of Representatives, requesting my demo reel! Nice! :) I hand delivered it yesterday afternoon. House of Rep has been on the top of my agency list ever since I moved here - so I was really excited that they showed interest. Now, I hope my reel was strong enough to get a meeting!
Also, in other news....My website it being constructed as I write! I have been wanting a website for I don't know how long - seems like forever! And now, if you go to - you will enter into my little corner of the web world - other than this blog of course (which will have a link on my website!) Keep in mind that it's under construction right now, but should be up and running in full swing by the weekend - maybe even tomorrow! :) There you will have access to my resume, pictures, reel, most recent news and contact information.
Almost everything you have here, minus all the writing! heehee


Anonymous said…
Just surfed your sight! You're on fire woman! Keep up the good work. See you in December.

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