Taking "Notes"

1st pic: Me, Lorena, and Joanna, 2nd pic: 'In action' as Maria the hostess! 3rd pic: my call sheet, 4th pic: a fake pregnant Lorena taking a smoking break, 5th pic: Me and the director Lev :)
I shot Notes From the Underbelly on Thursday and had a great time. Everyone was so nice. I recognized a few people on the crew! There was this lighting guy I worked with on The Terminal a couple of years back and a stand in named Sonni who I took Scott Sedita's comedy intensive class with. I worked a very long day - which means lots of overtime! YAY!!! I'm very happy about that! I talked a lot with the background...there were lots for this scene! And I walked away from the set ready to totally change my career! I'm ready to take it to the next level. I was wondering why I had been so frustrated lately and it's because I feel stuck in the co-star world. I remember when I first moved to town, I felt 'stuck' in the background world and I did something about it. I made a change. So I don't know why it's taken me so long to realize I just need to make a change again! I've accepted the fact that for this change to happen, that means I need a top agent. And for me to land a top agent I need to look like I'm not a ptofessional co-star actor. So I decided to give my resume a make over and try to focus on the roles that were not co-star and the films that were not little unknown films, and hope that it gets me somewhere. Me focusing on guest star and series regular roles may mean I work a whole lot less (or means I just can't put it on my resume anymore) - but that is part of change, right? I need to be able to take the good with the bad. You can't take it to the next level with one foot still on the first level, can you? Nope. You can't. I realized that the actors who are doing guest star and series regular stuff are in a whole different world than where I am. They are not taking workshops and dropping off headshots. They don't need to. They have these top agencts that get them through that door.
So step one - LAND A TOP AGENT.
Hmm...easier said than done.
I'll let you know how my progress unfolds... :)
It's been so interesting to read your blog and see all the hard work you go through in your profession. All the auditions and the running here and there... things that the average person doesn't realize has to happen to get a part. Please keep posting! :)
Great pictures, as usual!
andrew (as in, the show's lead) was my classmate in grad school - "notes" was his first tv credit. ever. so yes, series regs and recurring guest stars are in a totally different world, but that world doesn't require rocket science to reach. you are so ready to make this leap!
catch you up there, baby ;-)
I've known Joanna Canton since '93. We studied together in Virginia Beach; she's really talented.
This is great! Already seeing you reach the next level!
Sarah Jean