Ok, so let's start off with the news of the day...I booked Notes From the Underbelly!! YAY!!!!! I'm playing this bitch of a hostess on a power trip. Fun! :) I believe it's a single camera 1/2 hour comedy (Like Curb) for ABC. I went into my producer's ession today and was excited to see some familiar faces. I saw Tina D'Marco who played my mother in Real Women Have Curves last year in Santa Barbara. She was up for my same role. I also saw Lorena Mena, who was up for the role of a very pregnant waitress (which I just found out she booked!! YAY Lorena!!! I finally get to work with her again!!!) I went in and did my thing, and felt pretty good about it. Doesn't hurt to feel good when the producers are laughing after your scene - especially if it's a comedy! ;)
I left and headed home to change for my last minute audition at 5pm. It was for a Cingular Wireless national commercial. The only information I got was that they were looking for average people shopping in a grocery store. Ok, I can do that....So I waited an hour by the time I got seen. I walked in, I smiled and slated my name, then the guy told me what he wanted me to do. He said, "It's just average boring shopping...nothing special. Then the music will change and you will break out dancing like crazy. Just let loose." Ummmm.........ok.....I had NO idea that's what I was doing - BUT since I happen to feel comfortable with improv and I can be somewhat of a comical actress ;) - I just let loose. Man, did I go to town on that song! It happened to be Gwen Stefani's Holla Back Girl, and I got a pretty good work out dancing all over the place. I left there, with this huge smile on my face. I have to admit, it felt good to just randomly dance like crazy. I wasn't expecting to do that today! :)
Then, on the ride back, I got a call from my manager saying I booked the show Notes From the Underbelly! They are not paying me my usual rate, but that's ok, since they will give me a "no quote" (which means they will not reveal my amount for future casting offices wanting to check.) I decided to go ahead and take the job, even though it was less money, mainly because I wanted more comedy on my resume - and even better that it's single camera comedy! The table read is tomorrow at 2pm.
And there is my dilemna for the day! I am subbing a fifth grade class tomorrow until 2:30pm and I couldn't get a hold of the main office to cancel and let them know I have to be somewhere at 2pm. Soooooo, that means I have to show up to the school pretty early and tell them I have to leave an hour early. They can either call in another sub for the whole day and I'll stay there until that person gets there....OR they can find someone to cover my class the last hour of the day.
Man, I thought subbing would be pretty flexible for my acting career - but I feel so bad when these things happen! If only I can JUST ACT and not have to worry about juggling another job.... Hmm.....Just act....what an concept! And there are people who get to do that? AWESOME!!!!! :)
The show shoots sometime next week - and of course I'm scheduled to sub all of next week - so as soon as I get a shoot day - then I will have to call and cancel my subbing job for that day. Ugh....
But these are all good problems to have! That means I'm getting pretty busy! :)
Maybe I can JUST ACT after all....SOON.....


Michelle Seaton said…

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