Film Audition today!

So today was that film audition for the movie called Oranges. I auditioned in West Hollywood for Mormon Boling Casting. I recognized one actress' name on the sign in sheet. I remember a few other actor friends of mine mention her before and how they knew her. So I bring it up to her how I know these 2 other actors and how I'm always asked if I know her - which I don't. She just smiled and damn near ignored me. Hmmm..I guess she's not too friendly. But then again, we were waiting in line to audition for the same role - so maybe she wasn't into making friends at that moment. Oh well...I left her alone and kept on preparing for my audition.
Another actress walked in who I recognized. Her name is Ruth Livier and she used to play the lawyer sister on Resurrection Blvd. She was up against me for this same role. This was not the first time too....I remember she was up against me for a role in a play at South Coast Repertory Theater Company in Costa Mesa - and SHE got it. Hopefully, it's MY turn now! :-)
Wow, seeing these girls made me realize that maybe this movie was a big deal because these are 2 actresses whom I have heard of and know they work a lot and here we all were - competing with each other. Crazy!
The good news is I did a great job! :-) I have to admit the audition went well and I did everything I prepared to do and hit all the emotional points I wanted to hit. So all in all, it was a successful audition. Now, let's see what happens....