The Waiting Game

ok, So I auditioned for Everwood yesterday and last night my new agent called me trying to get a hold of my manager for my last quote (the amount of money I got paid on my last job). I haven't got offered the part yet - I guess they were trying to figure out money first. My manager was no where to be found after 6pm, and I told him what my day rate was for a co-star role. But this role on Everwood is a guest star role. (Co-star roles are usually a few lines, in one scene - maybe two. A guest star role is usually larger and definately gets paid more than a co-star).
So we played phone tag all day between my agent and my manager and myself. Then, my manager calls me and says that my agent just got off the phone with the casting office and they are still trying to figure out if they want to hire someone from LA or someone from Utah. Apparently this show shoots in Utah and if they go with an LA actor - I am their first choice. YAY!!!!! But they are also thinking about maybe hiring someone in Utah instead. That would save them money if they did considering they'd have to fly me out, put me up in a hotel, and pay me for 3 days of work, when the role really only works one. In my mind it makes more sense to hire a local hire from Utah since they would save money. (That's my frugal mind thinking). My manager is confident they will go with me. Especially since it's for a guest star role - not a co-star. I should find out by the end of the day today. I really hope I get the job - mainly because travelling to Utah first class sounds cool - but I need this booking for my new agent!
To quote A Chorus Line, "God, I hope I get. I hope I get it."
Your old friend from
Austin, Texas