So Far So Good

I started back teaching the kids classes at Actorsite last week. Right now, I'm just subbing for the other teachers when they have auditions or shoots, but hopefully I'll be teaching more regularly, or audition coaching. I had a long, but awesome day last Thursday with the kids! I was amazed at the talent! So much fun! :)
I had an audition for Better Off Ted on Friday of last week. I've seen a few episodes and I really like the show, so it was exciting to go in to read for it! I auditioned for the role of Sarah, who is the pregnant wife to Ted's coworker, Ryan. It was a funny little part! :) I did notice a fellow auditioner who showed up with a fake pregnant belly for the role. I've never been a fan of doing things like that. I get asked that question a lot - usually "should I wear scrubs to my nurse audition?" I always say, wear something that suggests the character without going in wearing a costume. And do well with the acting part, and there's no reason for the gimmicks. That's just my opinion.
I did get a callback so I'll be going in for the director and producers this coming Wednesday. :) YAY!!!!
I'm teaching a couple of kids classes again tomorrow. And I have the last week of the first part of my Howard Fine classes. The second part starts next week, and hopefully I'm able to continue. Since work is scarce, money is tight. Ugh.
It will all work out. :)