Pregnant...on TV

So today was a busy day.
I started off (running late) to my wardrobe fitting for Better Off Ted. I tried on a very pregnant belly, and many maternity dresses. It actually looked really cute on me, if I must say so myself! hehe I start shooting Thursday and I believe my labor scene is on the first day! Fun!
Then I headed over to Nickelodeon to audition for the pilot Victorious. I had auditioned for this same role back in February, but I guess they had put it on hold, and now its back on. I thought I did pretty well. I wasn't grinning to myself ear to ear when I left, but it was good. Then I headed over to AFTRA where I had to join in order to work this week. It sucks because I had to plop down $1363 as the initiation fee. Actually, the initiation fee was $1300, the $63 was supposed to be the first 6 months dues, but since they don't prorate it, I had to pay it now, and again in November for the next 6 months. Makes no sense to me. What also doesn't make sense is the fact we have TWO actors unions!!! I don't get that! Why must I pay TWO initiation fees, and TWO dues fees every year in order to work? We need to merge these two unions so we're working together and become ONE big strong union. Makes no sense... Ok, enough of that...
I'm off to do the kids workouts at Actorsite, then read with them for their workshop with the casting director.