My Face in the Window

My headshot on the poster for The Photoshop on Ventura Blvd in Sherman Oaks. I've been getting my headshots printed here for a few years now, and I refer everyone I know to this place. I love Norman and he's really helped me out over the years! :)
Trying to be productive this week, but kind of hard with no other auditions lined up. Reading play scripts so we can produce something for the stage this year. And also updating my business resume so I can try and get a studio "day job" instead of subbing... We'll see how that goes.
I've also had people ask me if I've ever tried to "write" something - like a script. I have in the past, but just figured I wasn't any good at it. I'm thinking I trying my hand at that again and see what I come up with. That's something I can do to kill time before my trip to Texas and Iowa in July! :)