Slow Week

President Obama!!!!!
Well, I hope you didn't blink!
My scene seemed pretty fast on DH on Sunday. And my Goodness! They say the camera adds ten pounds - but we're gonna go with the rumor that there must've been 3 cameras on me! haha Yikes! Doesn't help that tiny Eva is in the scene with me!
I took the day off yesterday to VOTE (YAY OBAMA!!!) and I had scheduled myself to sub today - BUT AEF called with my first commercial audition!! So I cancelled my subbing job to go to my audition this morning at 10:40am. They were casting for families and I was paired up with a husband and a very cute little girl! It was quick- but painless.
I don't expect much to happen between now and the end of the year considering I will be out of town for two weeks at the end of November and again at the end of December. But I'm anxious to see what 2009 has in store for me.
Still tossing around the idea of NYC next summer. Maybe do a play out there..? We'll see.
And this week has been so joyous. I love the tears of happiness - around the WORLD. It's astonishing how much he means to everyone. And he's not a demigod. He's a pretty humble, smart guy with a great family.
I have a feeling pilot season is going to be VERY good to you this year. :)