Film Premiere

So I checked out that movie premiere for Mexican Gangster starring Damian Chapa with a few friends last night. I walked the red carpet and then we all headed in to see the film. It definately felt like one of those family parties with all the Latinos in the house! haha Afterwards we headed to the after party at Elevate, which has a pretty awesome view of downtown LA.
I'm not sure if "walking the red carpet" is for me. It was hot, and awkward with so many cameras. I didn't know which one to look at! Nor was I sure how to pose. But I guess I better get used to it! I expect to be at many more of these in my near future. ;) lol
Tomorrow I have an audition for the lead in a short film. Then another screening.
I have to remember to start packing for my trip. Just 4 more days...