Audition Today - Finally!!

I love getting auditions! Man, for some reason it seems like it has slowed down so much for me that any little audition I get, I'm so excited!!! It's a shot at a job! YAY!! Well, today wasn't "any little audition". I went in for Desperate Housewives today, again. :) As I walked in, Scott asked me if I had done the show already, because he thought I did. I told him no, I have just been pinned a thousand times. Haven't booked YET. I went in for the role of Jane, a medical records clerk that the character Susan, played by Terri Hatcher, comes to talk to. After I had my audition for that role, the director and producer (both women - YAY! Girl power!!!) asked if I could read for another role, Griselda. That role was more charactery and the scene was funnier. :) I looked it over and went in and read that scene. It went well, and then I left. Good day...
We'll see what happens now. I think I'm due for a Desperate Housewives booking already!!!
Tomorrow I have two back to back workshops! Should be a busy day. Just trying to generate more auditions...