I'm Baaaaaack!

Top pic: My neice Jessica and myself at the Kelly Clarkson Concert in Dallas; pic 2: Me and my friend Melanie in Austin; 3rd pic: Me on the beach in Corpus Christi; 4th pic: my gorgeous godson Aaron, who is always laughing and smiling :-)
Well, it's good to be back. Actually, it's always better to come home from a vacation when you have a JOB waiting for you! :-) I started shooting the industrial for AchieveGlobal this week. We had rehearsal on Monday for a couple of hours. I worked all day yesterday and about one hour today - and I'm wrapped! Not bad when you consider they are paying me for the whole week! nice! :-) Everybody was SO nice on the shoot. And the good thing is they actually call people back to use again in future projects! It could be 10 years later, and they'd call one of their former actors. that's good news!
I played a very professional procurement officer named Helen. It was tough being serious and professional when I was working in a scene with this other actor named Jeff. He kept saying things to make me laugh and break character....Yet, when it was his turn, he could turn around and do his lines unaffected!! Not fair! haha Everyone was relaxed and we all got along very well.
I sent out about 50 postcards today - just letting poeple know about this booking and that SEASON 5 of Curb Your Enthusiasm is out on DVD! Maybe that will generate some auditions soon. I had to turn one down for yesterday. I got called in for a short film out of Mary Verneiu's casting office. My buddy JC Cantu works with them and he tries to call me in whenever he can - he's a sweetheart. But since I was shooting all day, I couldn't make it. Oh well, there's always next time - hopefully!