I Got a Job!

Director Ivan Reitman (on the right) with his son, director of Up in the Air Jason Reitman
YAY!!! I booked my next feature film! I'm playing a nurse in Ivan Reitman's next film, starring Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman!
I tell you, the worst thing about being an actor is, you never know if you will get another job. The next job is never promised to you, so its a nice surprise when you book something. Actually, its more than a nice surprise - its peace of mind. You will no longer be "out of work" - well, at least for a day. :) Then its back to being unemployed. But, let's not focus on that now. I got a job!!!!
I work in June and I can't wait! It makes it easier to travel and move during the summer knowing I have some income coming in! :)
YAY! I needed my next big movie because The Holiday and The Terminal residual checks were starting to dry up. I can't wait until I start collecting the residuals on this film! Is that too premature? To think about the residuals before the film even has a title?? nah...