Series Regular Audition TODAY!

Well, I'm not in South I guess I didn't get that part. :( Damn... I would've loved to spend 12 days in South America!!!!
But, I DID have my audition this morning for that series regular role on the Wilmer Valderamma pilot for Fox!! And it went pretty awesome!!! :)
ok, so I got there pretty early. (Wasn't sure how traffic would be at that time, and I didn't want to risk it!) The casting director came out and greeted me with a great big hug and asked if I remembered HIM! Of course I do! I've known him ever since I moved to LA and started taking workshops. He's brought me in a few times before and I've tried to stay in contact with him through postcards periodically. He mentioned that he saw me on Weeds a couple of weeks ago and I gently reminded him of my Prison Break episode that will air next month (Sept 1st)! He gave me a quick note about the character and show and I waited a few more minutes before they called me in.
When I walked into the room, I met his partner who I've also met a while back, and the writer/producer of this pilot, Emily Kapnek. Everyone was so nice and they all laughed during my audition! Which is good...since it was a comedy! hehe
Afterwards, G. said "And that was Lydia Blanco!!", which I took as a compliment because it seemed like he was pretty proud of me. Awww..... I said my goodbyes and opened the door to leave, and Mr. Valderamma himself was standing right there. I smiled and said hello, he said hello, and entered the room as I left. Damn it - he missed my audition! Good thing they recorded it so he can check it out later. He is one of the executive producers for this show, and of course, the star. :)
I left the studio lot feeling REALLY good about the audition. I don't want to jinx myself and say that this is it - this is MINE....But I DID feel pretty damn good about it! ;)
I got a call from my manager not even an hour later, saying that the casting director called and said they had only brought in two girls for this role, and I was the only one that they liked! Wow. They want to bring me back in to meet another group of producers, but we are not sure when just yet. I just have to work on my accent in the second scene. I wasn't sure how thick I should do it, so I played it safe and did it very americanized - with a hint of an accent. Stupid me! I should have just done a thick one on my first try! Oh well... Good thing they are bringing me in again, so I can show them what they want! :) YAY!!!
I feel good about this project. I read the majority of the script and it's pretty hilarious! :)
That is absolutely awesome. I sure do hope you get the part...let me know.
Also, I will be home on Aug. 25th so I'll be sure to watch Prison Break.
Take care.
this is so awesome!
I wish you all the luck and booking vibes.
Please let us know, as soon as possible!!!