The Experiment

I have always been addicted to TV for as long as I can remember. It's probably one of the main reasons I became an actress. Growing up, I remember our family TV being on all the time. I can do everything while watching TV. Fold laundry, cook, check email, get dressed, all while keeping one eye glued to the TV. It's quite a skill actually! I'm the queen multi-tasker! But lately, I felt like my addiction to the tube, as well as the computer, kept me from doing the best job possible as a mom to my babies. I noticed my toddler's behavior was getting more aggressive and frustrating (to both himself and ME). I figured it's because of his molars coming in. And then I thought, I wonder if all this noise from the TV bothers him? Or maybe he's frustrated at competing for my attention with the TV and computer? I wonder how different our day would be if I cut all of this out for just one day. To see. So yesterday, I came downsta...