This Week

It has been an interesting week. I had an audition yesterday for an IHOP commercial yesterday. That was short and sweet. I signed on for an extra day of interning. Now I'm working three days a week at the casting office. I must be crazy because I got there at 9am and I was the last intern to leave at 7:20pm. I worked over 10 hours, free of charge! But today was unlike any other day. We had a producer's session where a select few actors were brought in to meet the producers for the pilot. I had about 5 "stars" on the list that I had to usher into a separate office so they wouldn't have to wait in the busy waiting room with the other actors. (Without saying his exact name), one of them was The Hoff-man himself (heehee). Now, he isn't just an actor or celebrity - he is an actual EVENT. The man is always "on". He is very tall, and has the performing personality the second he enters a building. He referred to a previous show he was on (where h...