Floating on a Freakin Cloud!

Well... Today was the day I went back in for my second round of the pilot: The Emancipation of Ernesto . This time, the casting director brought in 4 other girls to go up against me for the role. I was the second one brought in, and again, Wilmer was a little late, so he missed my audition! Again! :( And just like the first time, he JUST missed it. He walked in right after I was done. Damn. But I do have to say that I thought my audition went really well. I wasn't nervous, and I did everything like before, but slightly better! ;) haha And with a thicker accent! Afterwards, the writer, Emily , complimented me generously and with every compliment I kept expecting a "but..." at the end - and there wasn't one!! I smiled and thanked them for bringing me in again, and off I went. Smiling to myself...and wishing Wilmer had gotten there just a couple of minutes earlier. oh well. I guess that didn't hurt me much because an hour or so later I received a ca...