I had a pretty bad day yesterday. :(
Ok, let me start by saying my meeting with House of Representatives yesterday went AWESOME! I was comfortable. I liked these women (Ginger and Pam), and we just chatted. It was nice. I felt like they meant business and I was excited about that. When I was leaving the office, they told me that had to discuss with each other to see if I'm in conflict with another actress they represent. They were afraid I was too close in age to her. This girl plays early to mid twenties and they were hoping I played well into my thirties. When they met me, I guess they could tell that I play around late twenties to early thirties. They wanted more like a 10 year gap between us - and there wasn't.
So my day yesterday started off with a phone call from Ginger telling me they loved me - but UNFORTUNATELY, they couldn't bring me on because I was in conflict with this actress. And they have been representing her for a while, so they couldn't do that to her.
Well. ok. I'm disappointed - but not upset. What can you do, right?
So I continued subbing my kindergarten class and went to lunch. I usually pack my own lunch, but this day I didn't have time in the morning so I figured I would just buy something. I ordered my lunch and went to the counter to pay and that's when I realized that when I switched purses in the morning, I left my debit card and my license in there! Oops. And I have no cash. SO there went lunch. It was pretty embarrassing. And I lived too far away to run home during my 35 minute break. Damn.
So afterschool, I rush home to get my subbing check in the mail and take it to the bank for deposit. I've been running around like crazy this week with all those meetings and I've been telling myself that I need to put gas. I was runningf on E for a while now. So after the bank, I was heading straight to the gas station, when....yup, you guessed it - half a block away from the gas station, I run out of gas. Is this for real? Is today really happening???? UGH! SO I walk down the street and get a gas container and rescue myself. :) After the day I had, it was better to just stay in and stay out of trouble.
Or get a lotto ticket. Maybe with all this bad luck, I would've won a million dollars or something!
So today is a new day and we will see what happens with Beverly Hecht next week. I liked them alot. And if I don't get anymore meetings before pilot season, it's probably best to just go with them to have another team of people working for me.