Ode to Ivy

I am one lucky girl. I was blessed with the most amazing baby girl. No seriously. She is such a good baby! It's like she knows we have our hands full already trying our best to handle TWO babies, so she doesn't make a fuss. Hardly ever. If she cries, it's only for a short period to let us know she's hungry. She sits quietly and observes. She gives me a HUGE smile whenever she sees me and loves to crack up laughing. And this little baby is a talker! She will sit and have conversations with me whenever she's awake - because she loves to sleep. And of course, she easily sleeps through the night. How did we get so lucky??? I often sit and stare at her beautiful face and wonder what kind of person she will grow up to be. What kind of dreams will she have? What kind of places will she see? Who will her best friends be? Will she love the arts? Would she want to play an instrument? Dance? Sing? ACT??? Will she always give people that beautiful smile? I ...