
Showing posts from May, 2012

Ode to Ivy

I am one lucky girl. I was blessed with the most amazing baby girl. No seriously. She is such a good baby! It's like she knows we have our hands full already trying our best to handle TWO babies, so she doesn't make a fuss. Hardly ever. If she cries, it's only for a short period to let us know she's hungry. She sits quietly and observes. She gives me a HUGE smile whenever she sees me and loves to crack up laughing. And this little baby is a talker! She will sit and have conversations with me whenever she's awake - because she loves to sleep. And of course, she easily sleeps through the night. How did we get so lucky??? I often sit and stare at her beautiful face and wonder what kind of person she will grow up to be. What kind of dreams will she have? What kind of places will she see? Who will her best friends be? Will she love the arts? Would she want to play an instrument? Dance? Sing? ACT??? Will she always give people that beautiful smile? I ...

Another Year Gone...

Yes. Its true. I'm another year older. I celebrated with family on Sunday in Corpus Christi. The day after my high school reunion. It's funny how fast you can revert back to your high school self once you see those old friends. Its as if no time had gone by - for most of us. ;) I had a good time even though I debated about going for some time now. It was kind of weird when people were talking about my acting career and would introduce me as the "actress in Hollywood". I quickly corrected them with "I used to be... I'm a mom now." Maybe that was the weird part. It's feeling more and more normal as each day goes by. Ivy is growing bigger every day - she will be 3 months in a week. And Nicolas turned 9 months today. He is so big! Almost walking now. And Ivy just chats away with full on facial expressions. She's going to be just like her momma - a chatterbox. :) This was probably the first birthday where I wasn't a little bit dep...

This sucks...

My 20 year high school reunion WOULD happen right after I just gave birth! :( (3 months ago counts as JUST giving birth, right?) Ugh. Don't feel like parading my still-pregnant looking body around a bunch of people I haven't seen in 20 years. It's pretty frustrating to stare at a closet full of clothes I used to be able to wear, and push them aside for the maternity clothes that still fit me. And trying to find the time to exercise while I take care of two infants is pretty challenging. But I plan to start a healthy eating and exercise plan....soon. Maybe after my birthday. Which is Sunday. So Monday? Yeah. I'll start Monday. ;)

My On Star Commercial

Watch it HERE

Believe it Can Happen

Well, hello world! I am back! After having a broken laptop for 8 1/2 months, I finally feel reconnected to the web! I have purchased my MacBook Pro (Happy Mother's Day to me!) and am back online! YAY!!!! So, here I am. At home. With no time to blog like I used to. But I will try and make time between caring for Nicolas and Ivy, laundry, cooking, running errands, and playgroups. When did I become a desperate housewife??? ;) Oh yeah, when I left LA and moved back to Texas. That's right. But let me tell you, Life is pretty awesome! I can't help but to remember what my days were like in Hollywood. I'm talking my day to day life. If I was LUCKY, I had an audition (or even TWO!) sometime in my day that I had to prepare for, meaning review my sides, figure out what headshot to bring, figure out exactly where I was going, and allow at least an hour to get there - no matter where it was in the city. Sounds like a full day, huh? Well, those were the days when I ac...

Back to Acting...

Well, this week I was a working actor - again. Yeah, I know, I was supposed to put this whole acting career behind me now that I moved on to my next role as "mommy". I guess old habits are hard to break. ;) This week I worked on the PBS Series The Latino Americans in San Antonio. It was nice...I got put up in a nice hotel and brought along my family for two nights. I only shot one day, but it was a LONG day! I met a lot of great people and had a great time working on this project. There were TWO directors on this! I've never worked with two directors directing the same episode. That was interesting! I thought it would be difficult since they would have two points of view on how they wanted things shot - but they worked together well. We filmed in this beautiful historical house in the King Williams area. I played a very homely looking woman (Sorry Francisca - my character) so no makeup, hair split down the middle, tons of clothing making me look like a...