Now I'll Try Producing...

It's been a crazy past couple of weeks!
Aside from my moving, which is keeping me busy enough, I still had my acting class with Howard Fine going all of June. I had a great month in class doing Neil Simon with a new scene partner. We challenged ourselves and although we had a rough start with our critiques, we ended June on a high note. We get a few weeks off, but we will be back and working on it again in August. :)
This past weekend, I was on set of the new webseries The Best Friend. I came on as one of the producers for my friends who created it, Marilyn Anne Michaels and Allie Smith. This was my first foray into producing but because of my business sense, love of numbers, love of communicating with people, experience on TONS of different kinds of sets, and problem solving skills, I felt like producing may just be my cup of tea. It was a rough start on Friday, trying to figure out everything and managing a slew of different personalities - but by the end of the weekend, I felt it was a successful shoot. We had some really great professional crew members that impressed me. And it was actually FUN. :) We have a quick scene to shoot on Tuesday, and then we are done for a bit. We still need to get the next 6 episodes done in July.
Hopefully this week will keep me busy with auditions and other new opportunities!
Hello Summer!