Busy Summer

Ok, a lot has happened this week to catch you up on! I really do have to be better about writing in this blog regularly. I will try... :)
I was the reader for Casting Director Arlie Day last week for a workshop. I remembered she was working on a feature film called Mamitas last time I saw her. Well, I casually inquired about the film and if she was done casting. She said she was looking for someone to play a nurse role. I casually informed her of my nurse role on the Untitled Ivan Reitman film that I just wrapped. :) She said even though I was a bit younger than what she was looking for (a nurse in her 40s), but she wanted to audition me the following day! I went in and did a pretty great job - so we'll see... :)
I attended the wrap party for the Ivan Reitman film, but because of that workshop I was doing with Arlie, I showed up a bit late. :( It started at 8 and I didn't get there until almost 11. I was hoping to see Natalie and Cary there since I talked the most to them on set. I didn't see them, or Ivan, but I did see Ashton and Lake Bell. I didn't stay long since it seemed like people were starting to leave. But it was still fun for the hour I was there. :)
We are gearing up to shoot the next three episodes of The Best Friend next weekend. I am billed as "Producer" on these episodes instead of "Line Producer". That's nice :) I've been trying to find a great location to shoot one of our exteriors, trying to get friends to loan me their wedding dresses for a scene, and find set pieces for our bridal shop scene. It's been going well, I just wish there were more hours in the day! I feel so busy lately!
This morning I helped out at the Howard Fine Studio for Deborah Gibson's (yes, as in DEBBIE Gibson's) Electric Youth camp. My friend from the studio, Patrick, is organizing it and needed my help stage managing this morning. It was pretty awesome! This camp is like a performers Intensive Camp. They have classes in Improv, Monologues, Singing, Musical Theater, Stand Up, songwriting, dance, everything! And every hour and a half they rotate into a new class with a new teacher - and that goes on all week! I'll be sure to be there on Friday when they have the showcase for their families! I got to see a few kids stand up and sing acapella in one class - and WOW, they are great! Little broadway stars in the making! Deborah is very sweet by the way - and looks great! :)
I've had a couple of commercial auditions this week, and my agent called with a Dexter audition for tomorrow which I passed on. It needed me to speak spanish, and my Spanish is not so great... Oh well. Next time.
Oh yeah, it looks like my Medium episode will reair on Lifetime this week (Tues July 13th). Check your listings...the episode is called "Heads Will Roll".