ok, First off, my computer has been broken for the past three weeks. :( I thought it was just the backlight, but apparently the problem lies with the connection from the motherboard to the backlight, and I was told it wasn't fixable. Or worth it actually. So, that explains part of why I've slacked on the blog here...
While I shop around for a new laptop, (I'm thinking of a macbook pro...), I'm hooking up my computer to my TV just so I can get a screen for now. fun fun fun...
Another reason why I've been gone for a while is...I've been busy being a mom. Huh?! What?! Yup. I adopted a newborn just three weeks ago. A family member asked me to take him while she was pregnant back in May, and I agreed, so little Nicolas was born August 29, 2011. :) And I've had him ever since. It's an adjustment considering he's my first baby. But now I bring you to the other news...
I found out just 6 weeks after I agreed to take this little one into my heart and family, that I am expecting myself! I'm due March 18th, 2012 and the two kiddos will be just 7 short months apart! Fun fun fun... hahah Actually, I do expect it to be fun, along with a ton of hard work! I'm still spinning from the changes in my life - and trying to mentally wrap my heard around it all.
But I do have to say we had to let cute little Luca go. We placed her with a great family that would give her all the attention that we weren't able to. As soon as we brought Nicolas home, our world revolved around him, and the poor puppy didn't get all the attention she deserved. So now that she is in a good home, all is right in the world... :)
So yes, my life is crazy hectic with late night feedings and diaper changes, but this was the journey I was searching for when I left Hollwyood.
Now, I'm sitting here pondering the pros and cons of being a stay-at-home mother vs going back to work. I do want to stay and give them all my time and energy, but at the same time, I know an extra income will make our lives easier, and maybe even keep me sane with adult interaction daily! We'll see...
I did apply for an amazing job here in Austin today. It sounded pretty awesome, so I sent in my resume. I'm not going to apply for just anything. It would have to be a pretty kick ass job to leave the babies with someone else during the day...