
It's been almost three weeks since I've had a single audition. THREE WEEKS! That's crazy! I'm talking commercials, no films, no television shows... I've just been here, waiting - bored - trying to keep myself busy. That really sucks for someone who makes their living by Acting. If there are no auditions, that means no potential work - which means, no income - which sucks. Get me? I am doing the workshops EVERY week, dropping my headshot at the casting offices EVERY week, teaching my classes, taking my classes, doing everything "right" and it's still tumbleweeds blowing by in my career. Crazy. And I write this - not to be "negative" - but to be truthful. There are low times in this career and then there are times when everything just STOPS. I can feel myself losing gas. Wanting to just go away. Do something else. Somewhere else. Live an actual LIFE... I look forward to that actually. :) Makes that decision to leave Ho...