
Showing posts from October, 2012

Learning Baby Lessons....

As I'm not new to this whole "show" business, I am new to putting babies in this business.   My 7 month old daughter Ivy had her second audition last week.  It was for a national diaper campaign which includes commercial and/or print work.  We signed in, they told me to strip her down to just her diaper and top and that they would take her in  - alone, play with her, take some pictures, and she'll be right out.  And before I knew it, some stranger walked off into another room with my child and shut the door.  I was immediately uneasy.  That just didn't seem right to me.  I had no idea who was in that room, what was happening, and as a mother, I was more frightened for the well being and safety of my child.  She was indeed, right out and we left.  Because I left so uncomfortable about it, I called SAG to find out if that was normal protocol.  They told me that, as per the SAG commercial contract, page 92 states "(a) parent must be...

Audition #2!

The babies are keeping busy!   We have our second audition for the babies this weekend.  It's for a national diaper campaign with commercials and print.  It would be awesome if one or both would book it!  What's funny is, they plan to shoot in Round Rock, where we live, and a location scout came by last night to take pics of our home.  You never know, they may end up shooting here AND using US for the commercial! That would just be too awesome. I've been taking my time about getting an agent in town because I didn't think there would be that much work for them locally.  But it seems like things are picking up!  And I'm on the fence about going out on auditions myself.  I'm going this weekend since its an audition for families with babies, but I don't think I want to get back in the auditioning game for just myself.  I'd rather work in the casting office, finding the talent!  Too bad the casting work out here is not as abundant as it is...